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South College Boat Club

South College Boat Club

Libertas, Aequalitas, Civitas Totius mundi

Welcome to South College Boat Club’s brand new website, from this page members, alumni and those who are interested in the club, will be able to find out more about our events, training, executive committee and history!

Welcome to SCBC…

Welcome to South College Boat Club. We are Durham’s newest college boat club with members ranging from new beginners who enjoy casual/social rowing to seniors who are training to compete at the highest level, both against other colleges and on a regional to national level.

Established 2020

SCBC is the newest college boat club in Durham, representing the 17th Durham college. We are based alongside Durham University Boat Club at Maiden Castle sports ground and have a growing fleet of boats ranging from 1x (singles) to 4x+ (coxed quads).

We accept all levels of experience and are always eager for volunteers to help run sessions, organise crews or join our executive committee – one of the largest of any South team.

Interested in joining us?

If you are interested in joining us please follow our Instagram or follow our Facebook page where updates about Learn2Row courses and session times will be uploaded.

Alternatively, feel free to email one of our captain’s using contact information from our ‘Meet the Team’ page.